ICTP-East African Institute for Fundamental Research
KIST2 Building CST
Nyarugenge Campus
University of Rwanda
Kigali, Rwanda

African Physical Society International Conference 2020
Physicists gather for networking and research exchanges November 18-20
09 Nov 2020
The conference aims to bring together African scientists working in the broad area of experimental and theoretical physical sciences to share their latest research activities.
All are encouraged to apply by 11 November. Download the poster here.
This conference is aimed at promoting better awareness of the research going on across the African continent and at facilitating networking, especially among younger scientists. The schedule includes a series of plenary talks in collaboration with the African Light Source (AfLS) conference that will be occurring in parallel. Research talks by invited speakers and a selected number of contributed talks and posters are also part of the agenda.
Topics covered will include:
- Condensed Matter Physics, Material Science, Nanotechonology & Energy
- Research High Energy Physics, Cosmology, Gravitational Physics
- Nuclear & Medical Physics
- Climate & Atmospheric Physics
- Computational Physics
- Biological and Medical Physics
- Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics