ICTP-East African Institute for Fundamental Research
KIST2 Building CST
Nyarugenge Campus
University of Rwanda
Kigali, Rwanda

Upcoming Science Conferences in Africa
EAIFR would like to inform its scientific community of two major scientific conferences to be held jointly in Accra, Ghana in early 2019.
The Joint Conference of the Pan African Conference on Crystallography (PCCr2) and the African Synchrotron Light Source (AfLS2) will be held from 28 January to 2 February 2019. The Pan African Conference on Crystallography is designed to bring together crystallographers, mineralogists and solid state scientists from Africa and beyond. The aim is to promote crystallography and explore educational opportunities for researchers in the field. The benefits of which are not just limited to academia, but industry as well. Attending PCCr2 will help you share and gain more knowledge and grow your professional network as well as discovering new opportunities for growth in your career or academia. The Conference continues to attract more researchers and scientists as the years go on. We believe all the objectives of the conference will be realized in the near future. The PCCr2 will launch the African Crystallography Association (AfCA) which aims to network all African crystallographers and structural scientists.
The Second African Light Source Conference (AfLS2) will review the light source based science and also progresses the vision of an African Light Source. This conference will cover topics that include Medical Sciences, Heritage Sciences, Geosciences, Environmental sciences, Energy Sciences, Nano Sciences, Materials Sciences, Mineral Sciences, Accelerator and Detector Sciences, Competitive Industry, Capacity Building and Infrastructures. There will also be sessions on the strategy and vision for an African light source.
Participants will be African scientists and students, and also the international colleagues, who have conducted research related to or enabled by the crystal state of matter, and also research enabled by modern Light Sources. The strategic components of both conferences includes policy-making sessions.
For more details, visit the conference web page .