ICTP-East African Institute for Fundamental Research
KIST2 Building CST
Nyarugenge Campus
University of Rwanda
Kigali, Rwanda

EAIFR Online Seminar: James E Gubernatis
ICTP-EAIFR is pleased to welcome Dr James E Gubernatis previously at Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico (USA), for an EAIFR online seminar.
- Speaker: Dr James E. Gubernatis (LANL, USA)
- Date: Thursday 26 January, 2023
- Time: 16:00 – 17:00 HRS (GMT+2)
- Venue: Online
Title: Physics in the countries of Africa as unveiled in the African Physics Newsletter
Abstract: The African Physics Newsletter just started its fifth year of publication. For its readers in and outside of the continent, its content paints a picture of the physics and physicists in Africa that until the newsletter was hard to see. This picture show not only what the physicists are doing in terms of conferences, schools, workshops, degree programs, experimental facilities, publications, etc. but also who they are in terms of their journeys towards their degrees, current positions, and awards. As a reader outside of Africa, I see this picture as showing physics in Africa is on the upswing, will discuss why, and encourage continued support and contributions to the newsletter by the African physics community.
Keywords: African physics, African Physics Newsletter
Zoom Meeting ID: 897 5009 2168; Password: 208842
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89750092168
Short bio: Dr. Gubernatis received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Physics from Loyola College (now Loyola University Maryland) and his Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Physics from Case Western Reserve University. On completing his post-doctoral work at Cornell University, he went to the Los Alamos National Laboratory as a staff member. After 43 years there, he retired and is now enjoying his status of Guest Scientist. His research career spanned such fields as quantitative nondestructive evaluation via elastic wave scattering, quantum Monte Carlo methods and simulations, and machine learning for materials design and discovery. He has co-authored two books, Quantum Monte Carlo Methods: Algorithms for lattice models and Data-Based Methods for Materials Design and Discovery: Basic ideas and general methods. He is a past chair of the American Physical Society’s Division of Computational Physics and IUPAP’s Commission on Computational Physics and is a fellow of the American Physical Society and the South African Institute of Physics. From the APS, he recently received the John Wheatley Award for his contributions to the development of physics across the globe, and in Africa in particular. He is a co-founder of the APS’s African Physics Newsletter.