ICTP-East African Institute for Fundamental Research
KIST2 Building CST
Nyarugenge Campus
University of Rwanda
Kigali, Rwanda

Grand Opening!
ICTP-EAIFR's official inauguration ceremony took place on Thursday 18 October 2018. The ceremony was held at the Kigali Culture and Exhibition Village and was attended by distinguished scientists and policy makers from across Africa and beyond. A full account of the ceremony is forthcoming. Photos of the event can be viewed here.
Related events included a major scientific meeting to revive the African Physical Society. On 17 and 19 October, Africa's top scientists met at the ICTP-EAIFR Building (Former KIST2), University of Rwanda CST Campus, to revitalize the society and also pay tribute to its founding father, the late Francis Allotey. More details about the meeting, including speakers and sessions, can be found here. Photos from that meeting are here.
In addition, ICTP-EAIFR hosted the Women in Science Workshop from 16 to 19 October, also at its facilities on the University of Rwanda campus. The workshop combined a variety of highly interactive exercises, talks, panel discussions, training sessions and other activities designed to help women in science share their experiences, gain self-confidence and acquire extra skills to facilitate their success in science. Photos from that workshop are available here; more details about the event are at https://eaifr.ictp.it/events/women-in-science/ . A news article about the workshop is here.