ICTP-East African Institute for Fundamental Research
KIST2 Building CST
Nyarugenge Campus
University of Rwanda
Kigali, Rwanda

OWSD PhD Fellowships for Women Scientists
ICTP-EAIFR is offering PhD opportunities for women scientists. As a host institute of the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD), ICTP-EAIFR is eligible to host women scientists from science and technology lagging countries who have been awarded an OWSD PhD Fellowship to undertake PhD research in the natural, engineering and information technology sciences.
ICTP-EAIFR offers PhD studies in physics, with research specialization in one of the following broad areas:
- High Energy Physics
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Solid Earth Geophysics
More details about EAIFR's PhD programme can be found here (pdf download). Contact us at admin-assist@eaifr.org for more details about the Physics PhD programme at EAIFR and OWSD fellowships.
Costs covered by the OWSD fellowship include travel to the host country, tuition fees, board, accommodation and living expenses, and a special allowance for travel to international conferences. The programme is administered with funds generously provided by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and is offered in partnership with host institutes throughout the developing world, such as ICTP-EAIFR.
Two types of fellowship are available:
- A full-time fellowship (maximum 4 years funding), where the research is undertaken entirely at a host institute in another developing country in the South.
- A sandwich fellowship, where the candidate must be a registered PhD student in her home country and undertakes part of her studies at a host institute in another developing country. The sandwich fellowship is awarded for a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 3 research visits at the host institute. OWSD particularly encourages candidates to consider the sandwich option, which allows them to earn the PhD in their home country while accessing specialist researchers and equipment abroad, at the host institute.
All information regarding the fellowship, including full eligibility and selection criteria, required application materials, and the link to the application form, can be found on the OWSD website at:
The deadline for applications for this fellowship is April 15, 2022.
Questions regarding the fellowship may be sent to fellowships@owsd.net.