ICTP-East African Institute for Fundamental Research
KIST2 Building CST
Nyarugenge Campus
University of Rwanda
Kigali, Rwanda

First Workshop of the U.S.-Africa Initiative in Electronic Structure (USAfrI)
Apply by 7 May
The “U.S. – Africa Initiative in Electronic Structure” (USAfrI) is an initiative of the American Physical Society to foster collaborations between African and U.S. physicists with the aim of significantly impacting research and education in Africa. Partnership in Electronic Structure is advantageous because nowadays it has become an essential part of materials-related research with applications in many fields such as chemistry, biochemistry, biophysics, geophysics, geochemistry, and others, and there is a growing network of capable researchers in Africa resulting from sustained efforts over the past 10+ years.
Apply for the online workshop by 7 May, 2021
USAfrI is leveraging on these endeavors and hosting two workshops: one ONLINE in June 2021 where participants from both continents meet each other to identify common research interests, and one in-person workshop a year later (2022) in the U.S. The 2021 workshop will be a 5-day program conducted ONLINE. The 2022 workshop will be followed by individual visits of Africans to research groups and user facilities in the U.S. to further develop potential working relationships.
To apply, fill out the form, please note you will need to upload your CV.