GEO@EAIFR Webinar Series 2024

11 12 : 00 - 13 : 30 Jul

Dr. Carolina Pagli, Associate Professor of Solid Earth Geophysics at the University of Pisa (Italy) will discuss the deformation of magma chambers and faults in East Africa from InSAR and seismicity.


The East African Institute for Fundamental Research (EAIFR) and the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) wish to inform those who may be interested of a GEO@EAIFR webinar. This seminar will take place on July 11, 2024 and will be broadcast live on ZOOM. It will also be recorded and later posted on the ICTP-EAIFR YouTube channel, where one can find the previous recorded GEO@EAIFR webinars. Below all the details:


Speaker: Dr. Carolina Pagli, Associate Professor of Solid Earth Geophysics at the University of Pisa (Italy).

Title: Deformation of magma chambers and faulting in East Africa from InSAR and seismicity.

When: July 11, 2024 at 12:00 pm (Kigali time).

Register in advance for this meeting by clicking here.

All are very welcome.


Abstract: InSAR revolutionised crustal deformation studies when it started over three decades ago. Now, advancements in the new satellite missions means we can measure displacements at mm-scale, over 100's-km wide areas at a revisit time of a couple of weeks. This allows scientists to identify signals from deep magma chambers as well as capture the dynamic behaviour of fault slip. In this presentation, I will show recent results from InSAR studies of deep and shallow sills in Afar and in the Main Ethiopian rift. I will also present how a conjugate fault system slipped in Northern Afar. The studies are complemented with seismicity and other geophysical measurements.


Biography:  I did my PhD at the University of Iceland where I studied volcanic and glacio-isostatic deformation in central Iceland with InSAR and GPS. After a short post-doc at the University of Luxembourg where I continued on glaciologist-isostasy with GPS, I moved to the University of Leeds where I was a post-doc studying the magma deformation during the DAbbahu rifting event in Afar. I then became a permanent lecturer at Plymouth University and finally I returned to my home University, University of Pisa as a 'Rita Levi montalcini' fellow. I am now associate professor of Solid Earth Geophysics  at the University of Pisa.

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