ICTP-East African Institute for Fundamental Research
KIST2 Building CST
Nyarugenge Campus
University of Rwanda
Kigali, Rwanda

Master's Programme at EAIFR Now Accepting Applications
EAIFR, ICTP’s partner institute in Rwanda, is pleased to open the call for applications for its masters in physics, a rigorous programme for young scientists interested in launching their careers in international science.
Held at EAIFR in Kigali in collaboration with the University of Rwanda, the two-year programme welcomes applications from both Rwandan and international students with Bachelor’s degrees in in physics or mathematics. The first year focuses on core physics courses, in preparation for specialisations in the second year, in Condensed Matter Physics, Geophysics, or High Energy Physics.
Full time course work in modular courses for these two years is followed by completion of an independent thesis project at the end of the second year. Based on ICTP’s Postgraduate Diploma Programme for students from developing countries, EAIFR’s programme will welcome many instructors bringing their expertise to share with students, from EAIFR’s scientific staff, ICTP’s scientific staff, and other accomplished scientists. Networking and engaging with the many scientists visiting EAIFR will be a highlight of studying at EAIFR.
Successful candidates will be selected based on their university record and on academic recommendations. The closing date for submitting applications 31 March, 2020, with selections made and notified by 30 June. The programme will welcome students to begin work 15 September. A limited number of scholarships are available. Further information about how to apply and what materials are required can be found here.